
El primer gorro kirgizio que ves te deja boquiabierto. A los dos días se te hace normal, pero aún así te quedas pegado cuando les ves pasar. Toda Asia Central está llena de gorros. Me ha sorprendido especialmente Kirguistán donde he visto gorros que no había visto nunca que no me imaginaba que existiesen. Aquí hay mucha mezcla con los países de alrededor así que hay más variedad con lo que me ha venido genial para hacer este video rápido.

Los gorros cambian según la etnia, la religión o la zona. Los gorros tradicionales son parte de la indumentaria habitual, incluso en gente joven se ven más gorros tradicionales que gorros de Adidas. Esto no lo digo de broma, casi la mitad de la gente viste con algo de Adidas “Made in China”. Creo que el video os ayudará a haceros la idea de lo que se ve en un paseo cualquiera.

La música suena un poco a villancico, pero si en el video de cetrería estaba perdido y no sabía qué poner, en este si que no encontraba nada que pegase. Una canción que habla de gorros es lo que más me ha gustado.

El próximo post va sobre China, ya he estado unos días por aquí y tengo mil cosas que contaros… Sorpresas con la religión, el desierto del Taklamakan y más montañas preciosas.

Pronto os lo cuento.


The first Kyrgyz hut leaves you open-mouthed. Two days later you find it normal, but still you cant lift your eyes when they go by. All Central Asia is full of huts, Kyrgyzstan has surprised me specially where I’ve seen huts I’ve never seen before and I could not imagine they existed.
Huts change depending on the ethnic group, the religion or the area. Traditional huts are part of the normal attire, even in young people you see more traditional huts than Adidas huts. And I don’t joke about this, nearly half of the people wears something from “made in china” Adidas. I think the video will help you get an idea of what is a normal walk in here.
The music sounds a bit like a Christmas song, but if in the falconry video I was totally lost looking for the music, in this one I was really unable to find something suitable. So a song about huts is what I’ve liked the most.
The next post is about China, I’ve been a few days around here already and I have thousands things to tell you about… surprises about religion, the Taklamakan dessert and more beautiful mountains.
I´ll tell you about it soon.


The first Kyrgyz hat leaves you open-mouthed. Two days later you find it normal, but still you cant lift your eyes when they go by. All Central Asia is full of hats, Kyrgyzstan has surprised me specially where I’ve seen hats I’ve never seen before and I could not imagine they existed.

Hats change depending on the ethnic group, the religion or the area. Traditional hats are part of the normal attire, even in young people you see more traditional hats than Adidas hats. And I don’t joke about this, nearly half of the people wears something from “made in china” Adidas. I think the video will help you get an idea of what is a normal walk in here.

The music sounds a bit like a Christmas song, but if in the falconry video I was totally lost looking for the music, in this one I was really unable to find something suitable. So a song about hats is what I’ve liked the most.

The next post is about China, I’ve been a few days around here already and I have thousands things to tell you about… surprises about religion, the Taklamakan dessert and more beautiful mountains.

I´ll tell you about it soon.


1 comment so far

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  1. Great Choice of music for the video. But it doesnt sound anything like Christmas Music 🙂