Banner Quieres saber reducidoBanner Mirutadelaseda descuento 50% 300x250I guess this is what happened to Way Away people. After doing a big seems you become instantly in a world tourism guru. It doesn’t matter where your friends OR the people that sees your website is gong, everybody asks you what to do, how to by the tickets OR where to sleep. But I have not been to Argentina yet!!!!! Does not matter, they ask you any way.
The truth is that I love recommending trips and share those little pieces of advices that can make a difference on a good trip and a perfect trip. The recommendations, of course, can only be of places I’ve been and I know well.
And that’s exactly what Way Away people do. After doing their big trip around the world they have decided to put that knowledge in guides with first hand information. Way Away have guides to be used as they are with no useless information that makes you waste your time. The idea is having a well organizing trip without spending weeks preparing it.
Always coming back from a trip you look back and see that having gone to places in different order OR having stayed in the other side of the city you would have seen more, enjoy more and spent less. This is in where Way Away helps you.
I’ve seen their guides and recommendations and they have pass y “requirements” (or crazes). As you many know I’m quite a maniac with guidebooks, I love reading them, see the tips, what is not said, find the faults and criticize them… Maybe that’s why I always bring two guidebooks, so when I’m alone e I can Champlain about them… hahahahaaha.
The website have a very nice took called the “Trip Planner”, you just put the place you want to go to and the amount of time there and the tool creates a personalized trip for you according with your preferences and budget. This is the easiest, a personalized guidebook for not casting time and reducing the possibilities of Boxing wrong the places to sleep and EAT.
If you want to buy any of their guides, don’t forget this coupon. If you put RUTASEDA50% you’ll have a half price discount so you can spend that money in the trip, which is always better.
If you can’t go for a trip, just don’t get into the web OR the pictures will make you too jealous.
But remember, the important thing is not really the place or the guidebook, or the lack or guidebook. The thing is going somewhere new to see things that turn our brain a little bit.
See you soon .

I guess this is what happened to Way Away people. After doing a big seems you become instantly in a world tourism guru. It doesn’t matter where your friends OR the people that sees your website is gong, everybody asks you what to do, how to by the tickets or where to sleep. But I have not been to Argentina yet!!!!! Does not matter, they ask you any way.

The truth is that I love recommending trips and share those little pieces of advices that can make a difference on a good trip and a perfect trip. The recommendations, of course, can only be of places I’ve been and I know well.

And that’s exactly what Way Away people do. After doing their big trip around the world they have decided to put that knowledge in guides with first hand information. Way Away have guides to be used as they are with no useless information that makes you waste your time. The idea is having a well organizing trip without spending weeks preparing it.

wayaway coupon

Always coming back from a trip you look back and see that having gone to places in different order or having stayed in the other side of the city you would have seen more, enjoy more and spent less. This is in where Way Away helps you.

I’ve seen their guides and recommendations and they have pass y “requirements” (or crazes). As you many know I’m quite a maniac with guidebooks, I love reading them, see the tips, what is not said, find the faults and criticize them… Maybe that’s why I always bring two guidebooks, so when I’m alone e I can Champlain about them… hahahahaaha.

The website have a very nice took called the “Trip Planner”, you just put the place you want to go to and the amount of time there and the tool creates a personalized trip for you according with your preferences and budget. This is the easiest, a personalized guidebook for not casting time and reducing the possibilities of Boxing wrong the places to sleep and EAT.

If you want to buy any of their guides, don’t forget this coupon. If you put SILKROAD50% you’ll have a half price discount so you can spend that money in the trip, which is always better.

If you can’t go for a trip, just don’t get into the web or the pictures will make you too jealous.

But remember, the important thing is not really the place or the guidebook, or the lack or guidebook. The thing is going somewhere new to see things that turn our brain a little bit.

See you soon .


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