The video is about two things that are Albanian surprises, one in the entire country and the other in the capital, check out the video for more.


If the download goes slow, disable HD, it should download faster.
The music is from CCCP, the song is called Big Dinamo, it is the only one I could think with a communist feelin in my CD collection.

The bunker thing in Albania is something that I had read but this didn’t gave me any idea of the scale of this phenomenon. When I saw the first one I felt lucky to see one! Wow, they are real and I’ve seen one, how cool! When I saw 4 or 5 I said… maybe I can see 50 during my trip. I’m going to count them up! When I had seen 37 I decided that counting the bunkers would drive me crazy so I decided to do the video instead.

Enver Hoxha is probably the most paranoid, delirious, illogical and stupid “dictator”(I haven’t seen this word used in anything I’ve read about him) ever and Albania had the bad luck of having him for 40 years until IT finally died in 1985.

Before leaving you this friday I want to show you some pictures of a train trip. 

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 Train is very cheap 136 lekes is a Euro for four hours in the train. It´s also very slow.

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  A present I had in the train, some onions. I was offered some raki, here the raki is everywhere.

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Some decoration.
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Looks like tirana buildings colours.
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 Rusty color in the sunset.
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Train doesn´t connect with other counts, during Enver´s times people coudnt leave the country. As a curiosity in Yugoslavia people was free to leave the country if they wish.
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 Going south to the blue waters of the coast.

I have a blister in my left small foot finger, the perfect excuse to rest for two days.

Will post something else about Albania soon.


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  1. […] quiero contar más hasta que lo veáis, eso si, os recomiendo que hayáis visto antes el video “De bunkers y edificios de psicodélicos” para sacarle un poco más de jugo. […]