

Initially videos were an additional support for pictures, something i´d only use seldom, however after doing some of them I´ve enjoyed so much that I´ve decided to keep creating them and it has become an important part of the trip documentation.

The videos don’t intend to be professional as I do them with a picture camera and edit them with the very simple Windows Movie Maker.

Some videos are more documentary, other talks about news, some are just fun and others are more beautiful/arty. They are all uploaded to Vimeo and then to Youtube when I have time.

Until now Acqua Alta. Venice the video that has liked more and Theth, the hidden Albania the one that has been more popular in Vimeo.

Hope you like them!


5 comments so far

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  1. hola que estas en el viaje que sigues disfrutando mucho te quiere tu tia pili y kaber muchos besos

  2. Animo, te seguimos desde Burgos con mucho interés…sobre todo ahora que estás pasando Por Kirguistán;

  3. Como mola Albania y sus montañas y mas cuando has estado allí que envidia tío y sobre todo su gente.

  4. Joder mira haber si te vienes a Burgos y nos cuentas tu viaje.
    Muy interesante y sitios para ver.
    Saludos y feliz año

  5. Eres un artista!!
    Que bonita aventura. En breves te volverá a entrar el mono de partir, de crear, de transmitir.
    A ver si antes quedamos con el otro Antonio, Fashion, Moris y hacemos una escapada!
    Un abrazo, Antonio, desde las Alemanias